Delivery, Exchange, and Cancellation
We will personally contact our clients to arrange delivery via a courier to their destination, and the cost will be included in the quote we offer you. However, if you would like to arrange your own delivery courier, please advise us in the ‘extra note’ box. Once you have arranged everything with your courier, we are happy to communicate directly with them to organize the shipment by providing us with their contact number and email address.
We strongly recommend that our clients take out insurance for their shipment to avoid any unnecessary losses that may occur during transit.
Exchange and cancellation
Unfortunately, once we have received the first deposit to process your order, we cannot make changes to the products ordered. However, you may make changes to your order during the quotation process. We strictly do not accept cancellations once the first deposit has been received by us.
Customers must review all order confirmations for any errors. We cannot guarantee accommodating your request if errors are found after an order has been processed or shipped. Orders may incur additional or unspecified fees from the carrier or other businesses affected by the error, such as storage fees charged by your receiving warehouse